======Ender's Game - Defunct====== Important: see "Final Update" below [{{ :technology:enders_game_anim.gif?|The Ender's Game on a dry run.}}] Ender's Game was an experiment of [[ManaLocke]]'s to test timing mechanisms, and is based on a (manual) design by SethBling. The device serves two purposes: - Gather enderpearls, and - Gain some cheap experience ====Getting There==== It is found, naturally, in the End. This can be reached by one of the two [[Zone of the Enders]] sites, which are in the [[DTA_Nether|DTA Nether tunnels]]. Once in the end, take the bridge across to the main landmass, ascend (there's a staircase on the left), and head along the same direction as the bridge. The Ender's Game will be slightly to the right. ====Instructions==== The instructions on its use are also included in a written book in a chest on-site. However, they are included here as well. - Stand on the cobblestone square directly beneath the machine. - Take a deep breath, and do what is normally unadvised: look several Endermen in the eye. - At this point, feel free to be creative. Insult their parentage. Say their dragon lacks a shout. Mock their inability to move their own stone. - When enough Endermen have surrounded you, look up, and press the button above. Wait for their suffering to stop. - Punch each Endermen once or twice with your fist (or a block, or a feather) to kill them. - Go to 2. When finished, the cobblestone arrow points in the direction of the End Portal. =====Final Update===== As of the latest revision of the laws of nature, endermen have evolved to possess a new sensory organ. This Darwinian boon allows them to detect when their skulls are attempting to coexist with dense matter, and triggers their autonomous teleporting instinct. As a result, the Ender's Game xp and pearl harvesting facility has been decommissioned. {{tag>:technology :location :manalocke}}