====== Minecraft 1.13 Deployed ====== Minecraft 1.13, the [[https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.13|Update Aquatic]], has landed. Are you ready to depart on your next adventure? Come on in… the water's fine! Ignore that moaning noise coming from ten meters deep—it's probably nothing. At the moment, server performance is [[https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-132135|suffering greatly]]. After some tweaks, we were able to stabilize it for up to three players. More than that, however, and issues like rubber-banding and lag may develop. If four players take to exploring at once, it could send the server to Davy Jones' Locker. We're still not sure what to do about this. This weekend, we bulk-converted the entire world to use the new 1.13 chunk format. This required several hours of downtime, but performance has definitely improved. For those of you who missed our "maintenance mode" world, you can [[http://theparadox.us/chibi/DownForMaintenance.zip|download it here]]. Due to the new chunk format, the [[:world maps]] are presently broken. We have no ETA on a fix for that. On the bright side, however, you can now fully reenact the Age of Sail's complete and utter lack of GPS.