====== 1.18 Upgrade Complete ====== 2022-07-24 The upgrade to Minecraft v1.18.2 has completed successfully. The regions listed in [[news:1.18_coming_soon|1.18 Coming Soon]] have also been removed from the live multiplayer world and archived. Will you be the first to visit these strange new chunks? If you've had a look at the [[https://theparadox.us/maps/|maps]] recently, you may noticed that the world looks less like a contiguous whole and more like the surface of the moon—if the moon were flat and made of Swiss cheese. **Do not be alarmed**: this is a technical issue with the mapping software and does not mean that our hard drives have succumbed to bit rot. The upgrade from 1.16 to 1.17+ adds new terrain below Y=0. This new terrain doesn't generate until someone //visits// these chunks in-game. Due to a known issue in Overviewer, the partially-converted chunks from the old version of the world [[https://github.com/overviewer/Minecraft-Overviewer/issues/2002|cannot be rendered]]. Visiting a chunk in-game fills in this missing information, and Overviewer will render it after that. We've hitched a ride on a passing Enderbus and teleported ourselves to every map marker on the server. Filling in the rest is up to you. //TL;DR: if you want a place to show up on the maps, you must physically go there.//