====== Exciting Upcoming Events ====== With the recent successful---albeit [[news:version_1.8_now|troubled]]---launch of v1.8, the time has come for some new and exciting events on the Minecraft server. As [[:news:chunks_pending_deletion#the_fun_part|promised]], we will soon be hosting our Blow Stuff Up day! If the idea of being set loose on a copy of the map with a stack of TNT appeals to you, this event will be for you. Bragging rights will be awarded for the first person to drill down to bedrock in one go, for the most unusual detonator, and for the most aesthetically-pleasing fallout shelter. In the comments section below, please indicate if you would prefer September 13 -- 14 or September 20 -- 21. We may stretch the event to two or three days in order to accommodate everyone. After that, things will return to normal. We would also like to increase the world's building cap to 256, up from its current value of 128, on a //trial// basis. If performance is terribly affected, we may be forced to lower the build height again, deleting anything that was put up there. We are looking for volunteers to experiment with this over the course of a week or so. Finally, there are some chunks which are pending deletion. It is our intention to delete these chunks no sooner than noon on September 13th. At ManaLocke's request, we have added Treelund to the list of chunks to delete. You should review the full list of chunks which are on the [[:news:chunks_pending_deletion#important_business|chopping block]]. If you have left any important resources---e.g., enchantments, loot, or helpless baby animals---there, you might want to get them now. We are charging the orbital laser scissors at this very moment. Remember, this news section has an RSS feed available at [[http://www.theparadox.us/dokuwiki/feed.php?mode=list&ns=news&linkto=current&content=html|this link]]. It's a very low-volume feed, so add it to your favorite news reader to be sure you stay informed. ===== Comments =====