====== Version 1.8 Now Here ====== The long-anticipated Version 1.8 update has finally arrived at ''theparadox.us!'' You can read the official [[http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.8|release notes]] at the main Minecraft Wiki. As always, this version has introduced serious bugs into the world, which are noted below. If you have a bug to report, make a new sub-section below. If you spot something which requires an admin's attention, see our [[:start#i_need_an_admin_to|front page]] for contact information. ===== Portals ===== Hell has frozen over... or, at least, so have Nether portals. When the 1.8 update was installed, almost every Nether portal in the world was extinguished---in both dimensions. Some portals have been left in a half-lit state, with singular, orphan Portal blocks in an empty Obsidian frame. This glitch is thought to be caused by [[https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-65258|MC-65258]]. [[:Ch1b1]] has fixed nearly all of the Nether portals which are known to him, on both ends. If you have a portal which has not been fixed, do the following: - If the portal is partially lit, break all Obsidian blocks which are next to the orphaned Portal blocks. Break Obsidian until all Portal blocks have been removed. - Re-light the portal (using a Flint and Steel). If you are having trouble gaining access to a portal in order to fix it, please let an admin know. Have coordinates ready, if you know them. ===== Endermites ===== If you idle in the Overworld for extended periods of time, you might get eaten by [[http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Endermite|Endermites]]. This is particularly likely during rainy weather. Consider getting one or more [[http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Wolf|wolves]] to protect you while you idle. ===== Doors ===== Some double-doors---particularly those which are operated by redstone---have broken and will need to be re-placed. If you rely on double doors to secure your base, check them at once.