====== Outlands Mapping Project ====== [{{ :map:outlands_mapping_project.png?direct&200| The Outlands surrounding portal 1. The entrance gate is on the left, circled in a dull red.}}] The Outlands are the vast, disconnected regions of The End, kept separate from the central island, as though hiding behind its guardian dragon. The dragon has already been destroyed once, and the first gateway to the Outlands has been opened. The path before you has been prepared... somewhat. [[:RigilG|Rigil Gearwerks]] and [[:ManaLocke]], and later [[:ch1b1|Chibi]], have been mapping the outlands. There was already a FARP just inside The End, at the end of bridge from the obsidian platform to the endstone island. One gate has been opened so far. The map as it stands has been posted inside a second FARP just past this portal. Great regions still remain unexplored, darkend by the fog of war. Great treasures lie there, waiting to be claimed. The Outlands are made of large chunks of endstone, much like the central island of The End, only marginally connected. Some explorers have likened the overall appearance to a sort of inverted Swiss Cheese. A number of people have posited that the Outlands is **made of** inverted Swiss cheese. That number is zero. ===== Directions ===== [{{ :screenshot:outlands:outlandsportalone.png?direct&100|Take this portal to the Outlands}}] ^ Dim| End | End (Outlands) | ^ X| 57 | 689 | ^ Y| 75 | 75 | ^ Z| -76 | -958 | Search the [[https://theparadox.us/nether/|Netherway Maps]] for "Zone of the Enders 2," and go the End Portal in that location. Then proceed to the above coordinates to reach Outlands Portal One. Getting through the EnderGate requires an Ender pearl. The raw materials for these are of course aimlessly milling about the end, but several are kept in the FARP near the spawn point of the dimension. To use the EnderGate, climb the tower, stand so that the starry void is at eye level, and throw the pearl through. You should almost immediately teleport to the top of the corresponding gate in the Outlands. Returning requires another ender pearl, but don't worry, spares are kept inside the FARP nearby. Better yet, visit the nearby [[enderscattle|Ender's Cattle]] to collect a whole bunch. ===== Exploring ===== Once at the Outlands, **please do not take any map off the wall to bring with you,** bring a copy instead. Navigating the dimension requires stocks of food to endure the endless expanses of barren stone, great courage to brave the chasms of the void, and bridge-building supplies to turn those chasms into more expanses. Endstone and sandstone are well-suited; cobblestone works, but does not show up on the map (it blends with the void). Netherrack and dirt are at risk of going AWOL via passing endermen. Bridges three blocks wide will show up on the maps. Diagonal bridges appear more visibly. Ender pearls can be used to cross certain lesser divides, but gaps between land masses may be wider than they first appear. Fortunately, they can still be used. An ender pearl cast into the void will disappear harmlessly, and will not cause the subsequent death of its caster. However, if you throw a pearl at a **wall**, you will appear at its face, regardless of whether or not there is land below. ===== Travel Services ===== Thanks to the miracle of miniaturization, mounts and pack animals have been imported into the Outlands. A small stable, "//The A__ Hole,//" is located just outside of the map room. Horses can make traveling through the Outlands faster... but unless you are a steeplechase wizard---hint: you aren't---you had best "mind the gap." Due to the extreme hazards present in the outback, Loss Damage Waivers are not available from this rent-a-horse location. If you lose one of these creatures, you are responsible for **replacing** it. It is recommended that you breed your own creature for use in the Outlands. The creatures on the lower level are reserved for that purpose and must not be removed from the stables. ===== Adding a Map ===== Once you've reached an area off the maps, it's easy to fix that. You'll need: *an empty map *16 pieces of paper *a workbench Once you've stepped a few meters off an existing map, activate the blank map (place it in the hot-bar, and right-click with it active). It should immediately fill up with the local surroundings. Next, drop the workbench, and expand the map with a ring of paper twice. This will expand the map to level-2 scaling (1:4). Any map at this scaling will align with ones on the maproom wall. ===== Markers ===== Netherrack towers have been placed in certain locations within the Outlands. At the base of these is another block, pointing to another marker. Following these will lead you back to the FARP. {{tag>:location :ManaLocke :RigilG :Ch1b1}}