======Spitfire Farm====== The spitfire farm is a farming machine in [[Locke's Lab]] that converts bonemeal into wheat, far faster than even the largest farm. User interaction is required. Don't worry, [[ManaLocke]] supplies the bonemeal. [[ManaLocke]] got the idea from discussions online, but designed and implemented the concept himself. Since initial conception, it's undergone a few revisions to account for changing laws of the universe. =====Operation===== [{{:technology:spitfire_farm_front_small.png|The Spitfire Farm (before update) from the front.}}] **Update:** The Spitfire farm has been recently updated. This new version has been confirmed to work in version 1.8.9, and should continue to work in 1.9 (the combat update) unless they futz with crop growth again. Ensure the bonemeal dispensers are stocked (if it isn't, contact [[ManaLocke]]). Grab a half-dozen or so of your favorite seed. Turn on the system (there's a lever on the left-hand side). Stand in front of the now-moving farmland, so that you'll pick up any drops. Ready your seeds, then right-click **and hold.** If for some reason, the farm isn't producing, release and hold again: the design is sometimes sensitive to *when* you start the hold. =====Directions to Get There===== Once in Locke's Lab... *from [[DTA_Nether|Nether]]: Follow the pathway out and to the right, and at first opportunity turn left twice... *from [[DTA_Minecarts|DTA Railway]]: Head straight out from the station, go to the back wall, and turn left... Go up the stairs and follow the signs out towards the surface. As soon as you reach the top of the ladder, go left around the stairs and turn right. Go down the stairs there to the [[auto-farm]], and turn completely around. The spitfire farm is beneath the most recent set of stairs. The above image was taken at location -242.5, 46, 187.5, facing 1 (West) {{tag>:technology :location :manalocke}}