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Chunks Pending Deletion

Or, “How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love TNT.


2014/03/15: Initial version

2014/09/06: Add Treelund to chunks pending deletion

Important Business

It seems like every Minecraft release adds new features to the terrain generator, making it smoother, more varied, and full of more resources to obtain. Like some computerized version of the Midwest, our server is mostly empty space. We'd like to delete some of that old empty space to make room for newer, different empty space.

The following regions are being considered as candidates for deletion. Please check your builds to make sure we didn't miss anything. Coordinates are listed as (X, Z) pairs. X- faces up in these maps.

All terrain beyond Motoko, (-4703 to -2480, -1630 to 1563)
Disconnected region near Tylhandras, (-1161 to -478, -2502 to -2006)
Empty portion of southern ocean (-249 to 271, 4888 to 7157)
Ocean beyond Fist of the North, (791 to 2435, -10194 to -5949)
Treelund, (2475 to 5266, -1643 to 1479)

As always, we'll be careful when we delete chunks, and archive any deletions to ensure we can restore them later if need-be. If you want these chunks preserved, email ineedaserveradmin@SERVER_DOMAIN_NAME right away. We intend to carry out the deletion after v1.8 is released.

The Fun Part

Since we have to take the server down for maintenance anyway, we might as well have some fun while we're at it. Let's give those old chunks a Viking funeral and blast them into the Void with tons of TNT! This is exactly what Vikings would have done if Vikings had access to TNT.

Here's how this event will work:

  1. We will take the server offline, make backups, perform the deletions, and verify that they were carried out successfully.
  2. Afterwards, we'll put one of those backup copies online. Changes to this world will not be persisted.
  3. Participants will be furnished with copious quantities of TNT and redstone, then set loose upon one of the old chunks.

If you'd like to participate, let us know!


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