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This issue has been resolved by the Minecraft developers.

In honor of this special occasion, we're giving out a special commemorative item to everyone on the server. To receive your free gift, just ask an administrator.

MC-142134: Ongoing Minecraft Issue

There's a hole in my lightmap, dear 'Liza dear 'Liza

For the past few days, the server has been suffering from a known issue with 1.14: MC-142134. This bug is causing certain chunks to lose all lighting information. The affected chunks turn completely dark and can spawn hostile mobs at any time. Although torches and other light sources remain, the server does not not use them in the lighting calculation.

This thread will keep you updated on our efforts to fix this issue.

Update 27 May 2019

There has been no sign of the bug since 23 May. Today, we updated to stable release 1.14.2, which corrects this and a number of other issues. Feel free to log in and try it out!

In honor of this special occasion, we're giving out a special commemorative item to everyone on the server. To receive your free gift, just ask an administrator.

Update 23 May 2019 02:00Z

We have updated to 1.14.2-pre3, which Mojang believes should fix this bug. The server is now available again on an experimental basis. If you'd like to help us test out, you will need to enable pre-release / snapshot versions by following the instructions below.

Update 18 May 2019 22:35Z

This bug is still present on 1.14.2-pre2. Experiments have not yielded any workarounds—or even a way to reliably reproduce the bug. Loading and/or unloading chunks appears to cause lighting corruption nondeterministically. “Nondeterministically” is Dwarven for, “we haven't got a clue, so we're going to invoke quantum state phenomena and pretend its random.

I have taken the production world offline until the next Minecraft snapshot is released. Rest assured that the data is safe. There are no other signs of corruption apparent to us in the 1.14 world, and we have retained clean 1.13 backups… just in case.

Stay tuned.

Update 18 May 2019 17:20Z

We are currently experimenting with Minecraft 1.14.2-pre2. We have put the server back online with this snapshot. Please consider this an experimental, testing deployment. If you play on the server right now, the lighting bug may cause you to spontaneously explode. If world corruption has or will result, we may roll back to a previous backup. All progress made at this time may be reverted and permanently lost.

If you'd like to help out, you can obtain this pre-release version from the Minecraft Launcher. To do so, you must Enable experimental development versions and select the latest snapshot from the drop-down menu. An administrator will place you in Spectator Mode on request.

We are in the process of re-rendering the world maps. When they finish, check the “after-dark” render to see if there are any affected chunks.

Update 17 May 2019

The server remains impacted by MC-142134 and/or MC-148580. Expect extended downtime while the dwarves carve this one out. Sorry.

Update 11 May 2019

Parts of the world have been affected by MC-142134, which caused chunk lighting to be wrong in places. The admin team has embarked on a quest to change every light bulb in all the land. We searched high and low, swapping out fluorescent bulbs with newer, more efficient LED versions. This didn't take nearly as long as one might expect, and the server is now back in business.

Please let us know if your chunks have any remaining lighting glitches. If your domecile appears to be in total darkness, please disconnect immediately and file a bug report.

On an unrelated note, does anyone know how to safely dispose of 1.2 million Compact Fluorescent Torches? Asking for a friend. No reason, really.