Project AVEH

Project AVEH is a massive construction project, designed to build a mostly functional (and hopefully populated with NPCs) city, designed as the city the Ft. Gears serves.

The basic plan is a walled city construction, with appropriate and distinct buildings divided into distracts. Further, one stated goal is to use redstone on a level not possible within Ft. Gears to create new and interesting structures, such as an automated potion shop, the Clock Tower, or an automated foundry station, Earth Werks. Ideas for other buildings or structures are appreciated, and can be posted here.

Featuring prominently is the Holy Cathedral, which is being constructed out of a mountain. The cathedral is being fashioned after the Nisan Cathedral from the game Xenogears, and is likely to be a large structure surrounded by parks and roadway.

Planned Building Area

Orange borders designate the planned extent of the city. Subject to change.

Project AVEH is intended to cover most of the islands surrounding Ft. Gears to the North, East, and South, With slight expansions into the West. All of these planned borders were taking into account the current expansions of other players, and not wanting to step on toes of others, while keeping things close to home.