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Player on the server, lord of Fort Gears, explorer, and the instigator of this whole mess. Hey, if it weren't for him, the others wouldn't have even been playing this game.

Rigil Gearwerks specializes in large projects, or mega-structures. His home, Ft. Gears, is one of those structures, measuring more than an eighth of a kilometer to a side. Further, he's with ManaLocke as part of the foremost two man exploration team on the server.

He also hoards resources like you would not believe. If you need help with a construction project, he's helpful, lending material and manpower to get the job done. He's had a hand in quite a few of the projects and constructions on the server, and this will likely continue. He's also a mapmaker, and an excellent navigator.

Other than that, it's go big or go home. Everything should be large, showy, aesthetically pleasing, and most of all, functional.


Rigil Gearwerks tends to keep to his home at Ft. Gears, constantly expanding it and improving its quality. Outside the Fort are a number of other works that comprise the extended Ft. Gears area.

  • Ft. Gears, a walled fort boasting tremendous size and absolute safety.
  • Gear's Farmwerks, a prototype open air farm for the growing of large quantities of wheat, pumpkins, melons, and sugarcane. It has since expanded into a multi-level above/underground complex, with storage facilities.
  • Gear's Landing, a sawmill and tree farm consisting of two islands South of Ft. Gears, where trees of all four types are grown.
  • The Bay of Cogs, a four port dock and lighthouse southeast of Ft. Gears.
  • Project AVEH, an ambitious city construction project surrounding the area around Ft. Gears, tying all the above constructions together.
  • Fourth Circle Gold Farm, a Zombie Pigman farm, constructed in the nether as a place to gather gold and experience.
rigilg.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/30 22:21 by ch1b1