"Sugar Crush" Sugarcane Mill

One growth cell of the farm.

With the ongoing growth of Aransas and the nearby printing press, the demand for paper in the counties surrounding Port Aransas has grown dramatically. Our resident redstoner's first attempts to create an automatic paper mill were impeded by the intersection of poor redstone timing resolution in the nanotick range, and a pervasive mistrust of redstone piston machinery by lay workers. At first it would appear the latter was exacerbated by a distinct lack of thumbs amidst the testificates, save for the absence of any disruption this offers Steves world-wide.

In the end, while paper cannot be automatically generated, its raw materials can be ethically and sustainably sourced in a cheap, efficient, and self-perpetuating manner. Currently, two growth pods have been installed, but more can be added if demands accumulate. Initial projections of the impact of such technology raised concerns regarding the depreciation of paper as a trade good; however, its worth remains consistent. After all, paper is worth its weight in paper.

tl;dr: The Sugarcane Mill constantly creates sugarcane while someone is nearby. Idle at the iron farm; collect your sugarcane when you return.