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Ahm Shagar

When I first started, I realized I needed a home. That home was to be far away but not too far. I walked though woods, dessert, and even swam the ocean for 2 days. I first came across my island….and died while building. In the process of finding it….again, I got lost. I did, after finding lots of collectible objects, find my home again and built it up.

Projects (In Progress)

Just cause???

What is it, what is it about you all ask. All that can be said with the rumors going on is it's a project that Shagar started shortly after Shagar's Water Temple has finished. It will be 352×352 blocks and has been outlined on the western part of new discovered map. If there are any concerns about the dirt/white wool outline please post into project comments line of this page please. Other facts to this are purely rumors and best guesswork, to only 1 person can confirm when it is all said and done.

Project Comment Line

Projects (Completed)

Wheat Farm/Auto Harvester

Manual planting, will try to provide access to weeding hoes. When ready to harvest flip switch 180* behind entry position, turn back to face farm. When the crops and seeds stop moving, hit switch and gather. Please use hoe to replace seeds for next harvest.

Mob Death Cube

Warning: If you use this, please be fully fed and health if you stand outside. Archers sometimes hit for half a heart

  • Starts at 25 meters above main ground level.
  • Design is 23x23x Till I cant go up anymore.
    • Each floor has 4 9×9 platforms.
    • Each platform has 4 stations that pushes a mob off to death.
    • Space between floors is 2 meters.

[[Shagar's Island]]-The main thoroughfare of my area

  • Mellon/Pumpkin Farm
  • Coco Farm (In progress)
  • Chicken/Cow/Pig/Sheep Ranch
  • Various mines around the isle

[[Shagar's Water Temple]]

  • Upper Chamber Consists of a fountain, few chests, crafting table and bed (needs to be replaced)
  • To go down, you can take the ladder or the water stream. Currently an empty room and end of all fountains (thinking of something to place in there)
  • Stairwell leads to my small library and enchanting table.
  • Next floor down is my chest room along with 2 routes.
    • Trapdoor will lead to the DTA tracks of the yellow side of the station.
    • Stairs lead to next part of my area
  • This part I'm most proud of, and took many deaths to finish (lava caused deaths)
    • 4 pillars down to bedrock each 3×3 fully glass encased lava lighting.
    • Each floor the exact same distance (except for the bottom due to bedrock)
      • Each floor I plan to mine at the 4 cardinal points and dig straight out for a determined amount of time or till something requires me to stop. When I finish mining a floor I may use it for storage or create something. (to be determined)

Lava Pyramid

  • About 21×21 at the base, solid cobblestone structure.
  • All lava placed manually (obviously). Since lava only flows up, down, left, and right, I had to place starting at the top and the corner of each of the following levels.
    • Lots of deaths occurred from this.
ahmshagar.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/30 22:22 by ch1b1