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Version 1.20.1 Landing Soon

30 Sept 2023 isn't just Minecraft—it's a complicated family of services. These extra services never break and never prevent us from upgrading Minecraft—except for all those times that they do. Our Minecraft 1.18 world map program, which was greatly celebrated at the time, became unmaintained almost as soon as we started using it. It barely functions in 1.19, and it is not compatible with 1.20 and beyond.

Your admin team has been hard at work integrating a new mapping program that will hopefully serve our needs for many years to come. If it looks like nothing has been happening here, that's because all the work has been taking place in our staging environment—where our broken blocks won't break your blocks. We have completed our testing and are ready to deploy the update. The deployment will happen on or about 1 October 2023.

Expect substantial changes to the web maps. The new maps are strictly top-down and rendered at a resolution of 1 pixel/block. This is very useful for planning and navigation, but it lacks the visual awesomeness of our old, isometric view. If there are any important views you'd like to save, I'd recommend taking a screenshot now. (And maybe, while you're at it, consider uploading it.)

When the upgrade is complete, you'll be able to read all about it on the World Maps page. But suffice it to say that this is a… Major Upgrade!

news/1.20.1_very_soon.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/01 22:10 by ch1b1