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Spawn Point

The world's spawn point is located in a 33×33 region centered at X=-208, Y=64, Z=-61. The terrain is desolate, dark, and pockmarked with many failures to get out of the way in time. It also can't be modified, so there is an immediate need to go somewhere bright and free of exploding shrubbery. Two different locations are close enough to the spawn point to reach immediately. Directions to reach each of them are listed below.

Mt. Paradox

1. Head towards Samus and the road.

The closest inhabited place to the Spawn Point is Mt. Paradox. To reach Mt. Paradox, look for the giant Samus Aran statue. (Click the screenshot to the right for a larger view.) Head in that direction. A road, which is also shown in the photo, provides easier travel than the broken terrain of the spawning area. If it is night time, sprint up the road by double-tapping the forward button.

2. Step through the set of double doors.

At the end of the road, turn right and enter the set of double doors.

3. Press any button.

Once inside, press either of the stone buttons by right-clicking it. The doors will close behind you, and you will be safe. Simply walk forward through the second set of doors and press one of the buttons again to gain access to the rest of the base. Be sure to read all of the notice signs posted in this hallway, as they contain important information about the world. Head downstairs to reach the rest of the base.

You may wish to consult the Mt. Paradox article for more information about this location. When you're ready to move on to the outside world, consult the Dwarven Transit Authority's page.

Ft. Gears

Ft. Gears can be reached via a bridge that lies to the east of the spawn point. Walk east until you encounter the road (Route 2). Travel in the opposite direction of the sandstone arrows to reach the bridge to Ft. Gears.

spawn_point.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/30 22:31 by ch1b1