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Elytra Runways

A number of runways have appeared in the world, helping you land safely after earning those frequent flier miles!

These runways are designed to allow for a harsh landing, to reduce your fall damage. This is especially useful during takeoff, which–as any experienced pilot will tell you–is the most hazardous part of the flight. Most runways will have a launching platform nearby. If you fail to takeoff correctly, and crashland on the runway, you should experience minimal damage.

Core Technology

Like many of our great innovations in transportation technology, the Elytra Runway design was first standardized by the head of the Dwarven Transit Authority. Runways are designed with a bed of hay-bale, covered with one layer of carpet to provide patterning. They are usually lined to both sides with End Rods, though any light source will do.

Take care to only carpet over hay bales. Also, be sure to keep the hay bales level–any change in elevation may prove hazardous. Hard landings on the edge between hay and any other block (including air) results in full damage! End users trust the runway not to hurt when they land!

Wheat farms are easy to make, but those with little patience can consider renting time on an existing farm. Rates are usually low, ranging from a small tax of items, down to “use it, I won't even notice.”

elytra_runways.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/11 04:50 by ch1b1