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1.18 Upgrade Complete


The upgrade to Minecraft v1.18.2 has completed successfully. The regions listed in 1.18 Coming Soon have also been removed from the live multiplayer world and archived. Will you be the first to visit these strange new chunks?

If you've had a look at the maps recently, you may noticed that the world looks less like a contiguous whole and more like the surface of the moon—if the moon were flat and made of Swiss cheese. Do not be alarmed: this is a technical issue with the mapping software and does not mean that our hard drives have succumbed to bit rot.

The upgrade from 1.16 to 1.17+ adds new terrain below Y=0. This new terrain doesn't generate until someone visits these chunks in-game. Due to a known issue in Overviewer, the partially-converted chunks from the old version of the world cannot be rendered. Visiting a chunk in-game fills in this missing information, and Overviewer will render it after that. We've hitched a ride on a passing Enderbus and teleported ourselves to every map marker on the server. Filling in the rest is up to you.

TL;DR: if you want a place to show up on the maps, you must physically go there.

news/1.18_upgrade_complete.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/24 23:24 by ch1b1