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October 5th: Groundhogs-Fawkes Day

Dismember the globe
On the fifth of Octobe'
Said player of game, ManaLocke.
And that is the reason Free Gunpowder season
will never be forgot.

We're a big fan of crossover holidays here at, and we're going to celebrate Groundhogs-Fawkes Day. “What is this mutant holiday,” you ask? Simple:

  • Guy Fawkes day will come early this year. The server will automatically disburse nigh-unlimited amounts of TNT, and various other related paraphernalia, upon request…
  • … and a week later, you'll wake up in your bed and find that, like Groundhog's Day, nothing has actually changed or has been destroyed.

On October 5th, we will load up the World as it was in mid-September. This copy will contain a number of fun temporary mods, coded up by ManaLocke, for your enjoyment:

  • Click-for-TNT: The server will automatically emit a special chat message every few minutes. The message will contain a series of links that, when clicked, will /give you various items, including
    • Arrows
    • Dispensers
    • Pistons
    • Redstone dust
    • TNT
  • Enhanced Arrows: We're juicing up all of your arrows with some spicy secret ingredients.
    • What kind of enhancement is it? To find out, go outside, notch an arrow, aim at some portion of the ground you don't like, and let fly.
    • Caution: All arrows everywhere will have this enhancement!
  • Snowflame Orbs: A secret alchemical process has left snowballs somewhat chemically unstable. It may have been all the extra lithium we dropped. Oops.
    • Warning: This process is highly unstable. Exercise caution around exposed limbs, soft floors, or heavily-wooded areas.
    • Caution: As with arrows, all snowballs will be affected. Craft snow golems at your own risk!

We'll play on this world for one week, until we get tired of it, or until the server fails because the continents have shattered. After that, we'll put the normal world back up and return to your regularly-scheduled Minecraft. The twisted, ruined abomination that is sure to result from Groundhogs-Fawkes Day will be deleted.

news/groundhogs-fawkes_day.txt · Last modified: 2014/10/18 03:10 by ch1b1