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Not all players are included on the wiki. You are responsible for building your own player information page. To add the “player” tag to your page, append

{{tag>:player other_tags_here}}

to the end of your page. Players are listed on the start page for all to see. Players should also tag their homes, bases, landmarks, and other such in-game creations with their name. This makes it easy to list the contributions of each player.

The list of pages tagged as “player” includes:

2012/08/14 10:45ahmshagar
2012/07/23 04:58Ch1b1
2021/05/02 21:12 
2012/07/30 23:40RigilG
2012/08/01 16:35shikonneko
2016/08/06 17:06trigonography
players.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/31 20:50 by ch1b1